Pelican™ Cooler Accessories Guide: Reusable Ice Packs

Ice packs for coolers are one of the most commonly available cooler accessories, but if you have a Pelican cooler then Pelican Ice is the best ice pack for you to use. That is because Pelican Ice is designed specifically to fit perfectly in Pelican coolers while meeting the same high standards for performance and durability. So, maybe you’ve had your Pelican cooler for years and have used it on many adventures. Or maybe you’re looking to buy a new Pelican cooler and want to make sure you can get the most out of it on every adventure. Either way, these Pelican cooler accessories are here to make your cooler work even harder for you.
A person putting a 2lb Pelican Ice pack into a 20QT Elite Cooler that is filled with drinks and ice.

Pelican Ice

First, it’s important to understand why Pelican Ice packs are superior to using regular ice. To begin with, reusable ice packs are just that: reusable. Most folks don’t have the kind of ice maker at home necessary to have enough ice on hand to fill a Pelican cooler while packing it. That means most folks buy ice at the gas station or grocery store. Being able to refreeze an ice pack after every use means you only have to buy it once, and that saves money over the long run!

Another point in favor of Pelican Ice being the best ice pack is that their freezing point is 28°F. It might not seem particularly colder than the freezing point of ice (32°F), but 4° makes all the difference. You’ll see your ice freeze to your ice packs, and your cooler’s ice retention will jump as a result.

Of course, Pelican coolers need more than just a high standard of performance from an ice pack for coolers. That is why Pelican Ice packs are made in the USA and come with a lifetime warranty, just like the hard-sided Pelican Elite Coolers. These reusable ice packs are dependable for the long haul, just like your cooler, so you will be ready for adventures for years to come.
This reusable ice pack is great for personal coolers and soft coolers.
This reusable ice pack is great for small coolers and mid-sized coolers.
This reusable ice pack is great for large coolers and wheeled coolers.

Pelican Ice Compatibility in Pelican Coolers

Ice packs for coolers are available from a lot of brands, but what makes Pelican Ice such a great Pelican cooler accessory is that they are designed specifically to fit inside Pelican coolers. When you’re packing your cooler, there’s no frustrating game of Tetris to make the ice pack fit in your cooler. These reusable ice packs slide right down along the cooler walls or rest easily on the bottom in a perfect fit. And because there are three different sizes of Pelican Ice, you’ll be able to get ice packs for your cooler no matter what size your Pelican cooler is.
A person putting a 2lb Pelican Ice pack into a 20QT Elite Cooler that also has a cooler divider inside it.
If you are planning on using Pelican Ice with an Adventure Ready Camp Cutting Board + Cooler Divider, you should be aware that it changes the compatibility slightly for a few of the coolers:
  • The 5lb Pelican Ice pack won’t fit in the 20QT Elite Cooler when you are using the cooler divider.
  • The 5lb Pelican Ice pack won’t lie flat on the bottom of the 50QT Elite Cooler on the side where the drain is when you are using the cooler divider. It will fit upright along the wall of the cooler or the cooler divider.
A chart that indicates which reusable Pelican Ice packs do and do not fit inside each size of Pelican coolers. The chart also indicates which Pelican Ice packs are recommended for use in each Pelican cooler.

Know How Many Pelican Ice Packs to Use

The great thing about reusable ice packs is that they can replace ice in your cooler pound for pound. So if you were going to use 20 pounds of ice to pack your cooler, you could instead use two 5lb Pelican Ice packs and 10 pounds of ice. But it’s not always easy to know how many ice packs to use in your Pelican cooler, especially if you are shopping online and can’t play around with the products. But now you can use this handy chart to get a baseline for how many Pelican Ice packs you should get for your Pelican cooler.
A chart that recommends which size and how many Pelican Ice packs to use in Pelican coolers.

Get the Best Ice Packs for Coolers

Using Pelican Ice has so many advantages over using regular ice in your cooler: a lower freezing point than ice, a design that fits perfectly into Pelican coolers, and the ability to be reused for years backed up by a lifetime warranty. It’s no surprise that these reusable ice packs are such popular Pelican cooler accessories. You could unlock a future full of adventures when you have Pelican Ice to use in your cooler!
